Within my work, interior spaces are used as a documentation of introspection. Combining various objects and found imagery, the paintings explore the intersection of femininity and domesticity. Utilizing both vintage and contemporary source material, the found images bring together disparate time periods in the same way that an oft-used end table passes from one generation to the next, eventually finding its home next to a couch ordered off the internet.
The pictorial relationships, which reflect both the past and the present, are laden with time and memory. Each constructed space creates room for confusion and contemplation. Through playful patterns, furniture, and an ever-evolving collection of plants, these paintings engage with internalized expectations of traditional feminine roles as I consider my life in comparison to the women in my family who came before me. This navigation of generational history and individual experience serves as the starting point for an ongoing exploration of identity and the process of settling into one’s self.
Hannah Zimmerman | Artist & Educator
b. 1992. Cincinnati, OH
2020 MFA in Interdisciplinary Practice, Massachusetts College of Art & Design, Boston, MA
2014 BFA in Studio Art; BS in Art Education, Miami University, Oxford, OH
Solo Exhibitions
2022 Hannah Zimmerman, Lea Gallery, University of Findlay, Findlay, OH
2021 Familiar Patterns, Manifest Gallery, Cincinnati, OH
Selected Group Exhibitions
2024 SOFT, Manifest Gallery, Cincinnati, OH
2022 ROY Presents: Hannah Zimmerman, Heather Mawson, Margaret Kammerer, ROY G BIV Gallery, Columbus, OH
New Contemporaries, Dodomu Gallery, dodomugallery.com
Stories I Tell Myself, Visionary Art Collective, visionaryartcollective.com
2021 More is More, Akron Art Museum, Akron, OH
5th Annual Midwest Open, Woman Made Gallery, Chicago, IL
Simulacra, Sulfur Studios, Savannah, GA
Art at the X, Xavier University Art Galleries, Cincinnati, OH
Verdant, UNT CoLab Gallery, Denton, TX
Much Like Real Life, MassArt x SoWa, Boston, MA
PATTERN, Manifest Gallery, Cincinnati, OH
Women’s Work, Indianapolis Art Center, Indianapolis, IN
Intrinsic Nature, The Curator’s Salon, thecuratorssalon.com
Rise, Play + Inspire Gallery, playinspiregallery.com
Spring, Envision Arts, envisionartshow.com
2020 HOARD, Manifest Gallery, Cincinnati, OH
Part 1: The Era of Seclusion, Visionary Projects, visionaryprojects.org
MFA Summer Thesis, Massachusetts College of Art & Design, Boston, MA
3rd Coast Biennial, K Space Contemporary, Corpus Christi, TX
The SHIM/Masters Show, SHIM Art Network, artsy.com
Eat, Sleep, (I Can’t) Breathe International Exhibition, Vacant Museum, vacantmuseum.com
Fantastic Fibers International, Yeiser Art Center, Paducah, KY
AMPLIFY, Dayton Society of Artists, Dayton, OH
2019 MassArt Masters, Scollay Square Gallery, Boston City Hall, Boston, MA
INHABIT, Manifest Gallery, Cincinnati, OH
Parallel Visions XII, Studio San Giuseppe Gallery, Mount Saint Joseph University, Cincinnati, OH
2018 PRESS: An Ohio Printmaking Exhibition, Dayton Society of Artists, Dayton, OH
2017 Divergent Ink: International Black & White Print Exhibition, Rubber City Prints, Akron, OH
State of the Arts, Ohio University Art Gallery, Athens, OH
2015 Yeck College Artist Fellowship Exhibition, Dayton Art Institute, Dayton, OH
2014 Visual Collective, Hiestand Galleries, Miami University, Oxford, OH
Digital Playground, Computer Science & Software Engineering Dept., Miami University, Oxford, OH
The 14th Hour: BFA Capstone Exhibition, Hiestand Galleries, Miami University, Oxford, OH
Residencies / Fellowships
2020-21 Manifest Gallery, Cincinnati, OH (Sept. 2020 - June 2021)
2015 Yeck College Artist Fellowship, Dayton Art Institute, Dayton, OH (Jan. - May 2015)
Issue 4: Where Do You Call Home? Art & Type Magazine. Fall 2022.
Morgan Laurens, “Mapping History through Objects: Hannah Zimmerman Traces One Generation of Women to the Next,” Not Real Art. June 6, 2022. https://notrealart.com/painter-hannah-zimmerman-family-history/
Issue 2. New Visionary Magazine. April 2022.
Issue 2. Art Seen: The Curator’s Salon Magazine. Autumn/Winter 2021.
Feel Good Issue. Candy Floss Magazine. March 2021.
Artist Directory, All SHE Makes, allshemakes.org
Laura Vatour, “Hannah Zimmerman.” The Gathered Gallery. Jan. 2021. https://www.thegatheredgallery.com/post/hannah-zimmerman
Rebecca Potts, “Hannah Zimmerman: Your Voice is Valid.” Teaching Artist Podcast, ep. 39, Dec. 20, 2020, https://www.teachingartistpodcast.com/episode-39-hannah-zimmerman/
ISSUE 4. long con magazine. Sept. 2020. https://longconmag.com/issue-4/hannah-zimmerman/
Teaching Experience
2015 - 2024 Visual Arts Teacher, William Mason High School, Mason, OH